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2018 Elections: Call for Nominations

The NCURA 2018 Nominating Committee has opened the call for 2018.

Picking a slate of candidates for NCURA regional leadership is an important task, and one that should not be taken lightly.

Our Region must recruit potential nominees with strong leadership skills, service to our profession, personal reputation, availability and most importantly enthusiasm.

This year we will be selecting the following positions.

Secretary Elect
Executive Committee Member

All nominations must be submitted by Monday March 19, 2018 and self-nominations will be accepted.

Click below to nominate your candidate.

All Regional officers an must be Region V members in good standing.


The Chair-Elect shall be the chief executive officer of the Region after the Chair and shall assist the Chair in such ways as the latter may direct in the conduct of Regional affairs. In the absence of the Chair, the Chair-Elect shall perform the duties of the Chair. The Chair-Elect shall also serve as the Program Chair for the Annual Regional Meeting of the membership.

The term of office of the Chair-Elect shall be one year beginning at the conclusion of the A nnual Regional Meeting, which immediately follows his/her election. The Chair-Elect shall automatically succeed to the position of Chair.



The Secretary-Elect shall be charged with maintaining the non-financial written records of the Region. The Secretary-Elect shall assist the Secretary, as requested, in directing the non-financial activities of the Region and shall assume the duties as Secretary in his/her absence.

Executive Committee Member

The Region shall have a standing Regional Executive Committee composed of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect,Immediate Past Chair, and up to four at -large members: two At-Large members to be elected by the membership and who shall serve a two year term and up to two At-Large members who may be appointed by the Chair for a one year term to serve concurrently with the Chair.

One At-Large member shall be elected each year.

For more information about roles and duties, please visit the NCURA Region V Bylaws