What are the meeting time commitments?
The Mustang Mentoring Program is approximately a 10-month commitment with the kickoff session starting in January and ending with Leadership Project presentations wrap-up in October. Graduation recognition takes place during the fall Regional meeting, typically in November.
- The cohort (mentors, mentees, and a member of the Mustang Mentoring Committee) will meet via Zoom once a month. Zoom invites will be sent by the Mustang Mentoring Program committee (MMP).
- Meeting times will vary, but will be no longer than 90 minutes.
- Mentors/Mentees are expected to touch-base at least once a month, or as often as needed according to their own schedules.
- If a participant is not able to attend any one of the scheduled cohort calls, notify the committee.
What are the costs of the program?
Both the mentor and mentee are expected to purchase (or otherwise get access to) the book that will be used during the program and consider potential travel costs to the regional meeting.
Do I need to be a NCURA member to participate in the MMP?
Yes, membership is required by the time the program starts as graduates are expected to feed into the Region V volunteer pipeline.
What are the expectations of my participation?
Mentee Expectations include:
- Active participation in planned activities
- Leadership project in consultation with the Mentor
- Be available, responsive and respectful of time commitments
- Complete assignments in a timely manner
- Proactively communicate needs to Mentor
- Remain open to feedback
- Seek opportunities to contribute to NCURA Region V and to continually grow professionally
Mentor Expectations include:
- Assist Mentee in setting his/her goals and objectives within the program
- Help the Mentee devise a viable Leadership Project
- Be accessible to Mentee
- Enthusiastically share information, skills and knowledge
- Serve as a thoughtful listener and supportive advisor; provide constructive feedback
- Encourage participation in NCURA both regionally and nationally and assist in identifying opportunities for professional growth within the profession
As part of the program, am I required to attend the Region V Annual Meeting?
- Mentees are required to attend the Regional Meeting to present their Leadership Projects whether the meeting is in-person or virtual.
- Mentors are not required to attend the Regional Meeting, but it is recommended. Because this is a 10-month program where a significant amount of time has been invested in the mentee/mentor relationship, mentors are strongly encouraged to attend the graduation recognition of the mentees.
- For in-person Region V Annual meetings, the graduation will take place at the Regional business meeting or a lunch. If the regional meeting takes place virtually, a separate time will be scheduled for graduation.
What happens if my mentor or mentee is not fulfilling the program expectations?
You are encouraged to contact a member of the Mentoring Committee to discuss any issues as they arise.
What is the Leadership Project?
The Leadership Project represents the culmination of the mentee’s participation in the mentoring program while also providing a leadership experience within their own organization. Creation of a Leadership Project:
- Boosts confidence
- Develops critical thinking/project planning skills
- Fosters inter-organizational relationships
- Provides a project leader prospective
Some examples of a Leadership Proejct are:
- Leading a team responsible for creating an online faculty training program
- Developing an electronic approval process for purchase orders
- Creating a student onboarding system for new trainees
What happens if my Leadership Project doesn’t go as planned?
Discuss the best course of action with your mentor. This might include modifying the scope of your project, or changing the project completely. Document what you’ve learned in this process. Touch base with the MMP committee, as needed.